"Keep learning, keep earning." - Albert Einstein

Dorian Alexis Maldonado's hero image


UC San Diego Computer Science graduate, Software Engineer hopeful, creative individual.


Proud first generation Mexican-American born and raised in Southern California.


Music Social

Frontend React Developer

Still in progress, this project was built with the purpose to learn how to build a website using ReactJS and allow users to easily share music with friends. Learn More


User Interface Specialist

Part of a team of 10, I helped design an Android application used to help students find their next potential roomates!

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Clubhouse Dungeons

Team Lead

I led a team of 13 in creating a Google Chrome extension used to help team productivity through the gamification of user stories.

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Taken place during the COVID-19 pandemic, I virtually led a team of 13 in developing a product useful for individuals working remotely. With maintainability in mind and less than 8 weeks, we were tasked in pitching ideas, researching technologies, creating demos, build pipelines, tests, documentation, and ultimately a working product that could live on following any type of team changes.

Learn more about Clubhouse Dungeons above!



I host my own radio show focusing on lesser known music ranging from Dub, Dubstep, Garage, Grime, Soundcloud Rap, Club, and more.

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TFSRS Member

I volunteer at K12 schools through TFSRS, an organization focused on STEAM education through K12 outreach and workshops.

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None at the moment


Dorian Alexis Maldonado

email: d1maldon@ucsd.edu

Dorian's picture